Essential Website Content: Homepage Content

Essential Website Content: Homepage Content

Here at Little Biz, we love creating something that makes your business shine. We do an amazing job on the visuals, but your words are so important too. So, how do we share great words with the world on different pages of your website?

Let’s look at the content on your Homepage:

Your website’s homepage is the first impression visitors have of your business, so it’s important to make it count. It’s like the smile and handshake of your business. You want to make sure that it conveys the feeling you want when someone is meeting your business for the first time.

Your homepage content should clearly communicate who you are, what you offer, and why your visitors should choose you. You want to make sure that your content makes it clear how you can solve your potential client’s problem.

Things like using:

attention-grabbing headlines,

high-quality images,

and well-crafted copy,

all help to draw visitors in and encourage them to explore further.

Finding it hard to get the right content for your website? We can help!

Understanding who you are and what you’re about is the first step towards communicating effectively through your website – our Little Biz Foundations course is specifically designed to help you through these steps.

Or, our e-book “Little Known Secrets of What You Need to Know Before Engaging a Web Designer” will show you what you need to get started with your website and make your business shine.

Click here to read the next blog in our series on Essential Website Content.

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