First Little Biz Foundations Workshops

Little Biz Foundations Workshops - Working Together

Our first Little Biz Foundations workshops date has been released! 19th May 2018.

I’m super excited, but so nervous!

It will more than likely be held in my home in Carabooda (Northern suburbs of Perth).

It will be a casual, around the table meeting, with tea, coffee and snacks included.

The whole 5 week program including workbooks is $180.

Event info is here 

Don’t forget that we only have 5 spaces available.

Little Biz Foundations was developed for small business owners to discover and document their business foundations. We work through who you are and who your business is, who your customers are, how to talk to them and how to find them. We then talk about mindset and how we think is often influenced by things that have happened around us as we have grown up, and challenging those thought patterns. We then talk about marketing pillars and how to market our business to our ideal customer, and finish up with planning to grow. I introduce you to a planning system that I use and love, which gives me the flexibility to move things around as I need to. 

If you are sick of talking to thin air and hearing crickets each time you market your business, perhaps you need to spend some time to discover and document your business foundations? We now have an online course for our Little Biz Foundations too! Check it out here –

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