The Small Business Jigsaw Puzzle

Little Biz Foundations course jigsaw puzzle

The Small Business Jigsaw Puzzle

Building a business..I don’t know that I realised just how many decisions I was going to make! It’s a bit like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Except… with a jigsaw puzzle you have a picture to refer to on the box!!! So where do you start?

There’s always use Google and YouTube, but you need to know what you are looking for in the first place!

And so many times you get half the info then someone wants you to buy their course. And we are not always in the market to be buying another course that’s going to sit in your inbox gathering dust.

Never fear, Little Biz is here.

If you are going to spend the money, you need to know that the person you partner with is actually experienced in the area of business foundations. Someone who can help you make the decisions and guide you to the right types of products that are right for your small business.

This is why I wrote Little Biz Foundations. This course helps you nut through the foundations of a business so that you stop getting tripped up on what’s the next plug-in to buy for your website, or which payment processor to use.

We want you to succeed! We want to enable you to do the things you need to do, so you can be confident in your business! See what’s covered in Little Biz Foundations course and enrol today to get started.

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